Friday 14 May 2021

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query calculation and layout calculation

Query Calculation is created within the Report Query by using data items from the package. Layout Calculation is created only by using data items from the report query but not from the package. 1. Create a simple list report using following data items from gosales (query) package. 2. Drag and drop "Query Calculation" from the "Tools" tab. Name it as "Query Calculation" and add "Revenue" data item into it. 3. Now, drag and add "Layout Calculation" from the "Tools" tab. If you notice, you will only see data items from the report query but not from the package. 4. Run the report and verify the results. Please note that, for the output generated above, last column "Layout Calculation" will not be part of the SQL. Data displayed in the last column is processed locally on the Cognos Server. Even, you cannot see the last column in the report query. SQL: ----- select T0.C0 Product_line, T0.C1 Product_type, T0.C2 Revenue, T0.C2 Query_Calculation from ( select coguda00.PRODUCT_LINE_EN C0, coguda01.PRODUCT_TYPE_EN C1, sum(coguda10.QUANTITY*coguda10.UNIT_SALE_PRICE) C2 from GOSALES.PRODUCT_LINE coguda00, GOSALES.PRODUCT_TYPE coguda01, GOSALES.PRODUCT coguda02, GOSALES.PRODUCT_NAME_LOOKUP coguda03, GOSALES.PRODUCT_SIZE_LOOKUP coguda04, GOSALES.PRODUCT_BRAND coguda05, GOSALES.PRODUCT_COLOR_LOOKUP coguda06, GOSALES.ORDER_DETAILS coguda10, GOSALES.ORDER_HEADER coguda11 where coguda02.PRODUCT_NUMBER=coguda10.PRODUCT_NUMBER and coguda11.ORDER_NUMBER=coguda10.ORDER_NUMBER and coguda00.PRODUCT_LINE_CODE=coguda01.PRODUCT_LINE_CODE and coguda01.PRODUCT_TYPE_CODE=coguda02.PRODUCT_TYPE_CODE and coguda02.PRODUCT_NUMBER=coguda03.PRODUCT_NUMBER and coguda06.PRODUCT_COLOR_CODE=coguda02.PRODUCT_COLOR_CODE and coguda04.PRODUCT_SIZE_CODE=coguda02.PRODUCT_SIZE_CODE and coguda05.PRODUCT_BRAND_CODE=coguda02.PRODUCT_BRAND_CODE and coguda03.PRODUCT_LANGUAGE=N'EN' group by coguda00.PRODUCT_LINE_EN, coguda01.PRODUCT_TYPE_EN) T0 5. We can apply aggregate functions like Total, Count, Rank, Maximum, and Minimum to the Query Calculation but for Layout Calculation, they are all disabled. Aggregate on Query Calculation: Aggregate on Layout Calculation: 6. Also, we cannot even apply filters, grouping, sectioning, sorting on the Layout calculation but you can apply all of them to the Query Calculation.

Qlik Barclays exp

Resident load or qvd preceing load: works parallely with engine have u created adhoc reports as when created? could u brief? we create for learning reports who have completed courses how do u do? end users to select dim and measurables? we give end app with calc , measures, provide to them as a app and they pull and build ther own apps.. straIGHT TABLES,charts, selections,.... restrictions of binary load: pulling entirely from 1 app to other. can do more than 1 variables will not be imported what kind of schema ur using in applns star schema snoflake ex of applns used snowflake schema plan summary fact- plan detail how many dimensions there? 7 to 8 1 to 1 relationship pathways--> our synthetic keys we conpcatenate and get detail, that will have 1 to many relationshi set, let difference type of license types of cals authentication vs authorization Authentication confirms that users are who they say they are. login with sso id e. A common example is entering a username and password when you log in to a website. Entering the correct login information lets the website know 1) who you are and 2) that it is actually you accessing the website. Authorization gives those users permission to access a resource. subroutines used in ur appln? 1qw file has 6 month data other 3 month data 1year month dat best practice to store data in same qvd data modelling best practices waterfall visualization, have u created db: table 1 0 table2 tablea left join get all records from b not present in a without using not clause db worked? oracle i fire qry, 2 tbl a b , 2 colmns colm a, colb has 2 rows output of this qry while creating model when u want to have star when u go for snowflake schema brief why u need to go for snowflake scehma.. which is performance star or snowflake ? any specific scenario where snowfalke is used in ur scd type 2, 0 explain , how to implement implement qlikview and takes lot of time when refresh. what will u do for low performance tickets are comin in q, i