Friday 14 May 2021

Qlik Barclays exp

Resident load or qvd preceing load: works parallely with engine have u created adhoc reports as when created? could u brief? we create for learning reports who have completed courses how do u do? end users to select dim and measurables? we give end app with calc , measures, provide to them as a app and they pull and build ther own apps.. straIGHT TABLES,charts, selections,.... restrictions of binary load: pulling entirely from 1 app to other. can do more than 1 variables will not be imported what kind of schema ur using in applns star schema snoflake ex of applns used snowflake schema plan summary fact- plan detail how many dimensions there? 7 to 8 1 to 1 relationship pathways--> our synthetic keys we conpcatenate and get detail, that will have 1 to many relationshi set, let difference type of license types of cals authentication vs authorization Authentication confirms that users are who they say they are. login with sso id e. A common example is entering a username and password when you log in to a website. Entering the correct login information lets the website know 1) who you are and 2) that it is actually you accessing the website. Authorization gives those users permission to access a resource. subroutines used in ur appln? 1qw file has 6 month data other 3 month data 1year month dat best practice to store data in same qvd data modelling best practices waterfall visualization, have u created db: table 1 0 table2 tablea left join get all records from b not present in a without using not clause db worked? oracle i fire qry, 2 tbl a b , 2 colmns colm a, colb has 2 rows output of this qry while creating model when u want to have star when u go for snowflake schema brief why u need to go for snowflake scehma.. which is performance star or snowflake ? any specific scenario where snowfalke is used in ur scd type 2, 0 explain , how to implement implement qlikview and takes lot of time when refresh. what will u do for low performance tickets are comin in q, i

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